mental health, religiosity, existential fulfillment, psychological state, border guards, military chaplain.Abstract
The study of the influence of religiosity on the psychological state of the border guards is due to the introduction of the Military Chaplaincy Service in the structure of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, as well as the results of psychological studies by both Ukrainian and foreign scientists. The article deals with the analysis of psychological scientific works on the relevance of using the potential of religious faith in the context of maintaining a person’s mental health. The results of the empirical study which was conducted among the personnel of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine are presented and the influence of religiosity on the level of existential fulfillment of border guards has been tested. Empirical material was formed through the method of questionnaires. The “Existence Scale” by A. Längle and Ch. Orgler was used as a psychodiagnostic tool. The computer program “IBM SPSS Statistics Subscription®” and the multifunctional statistical criterion of Fisher’s angular transformation were used for mathematical processing of statistical data. A total of 101 respondents (residents from all regions of our country) were interviewed. According to the age option, most of the interviewed border guards are 16-18 years old. 86 respondents (86%, religious affiliation of the absolute majority of respondents – Orthodoxy) identified themselves as believers. It has been determined that the border guards’ religiosity is mostly external and is not supported by participation in religious ceremonies, visits to religious buildings or reading religious literature. Thus, the results of the pilot study show that the external form of military personnel’s religiosity does not affect the level of their existential fullness (mental state). The prospect of further scientific research is to study the impact of the military chaplains’ professional activities on the level of servicemen’s stress resistance.
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