mechanisms of influence, enterprise, psychology of influence, psychological principles of management, personnel management.Abstract
The psychological principles of enterprise personnel management are considered in the article. The competitiveness of the enterprise is achieved by choosing effective psychological methods of personnel management. Psychology of management includes psychological regularities of managerial activity: the role of human and psychological factors in management, optimal distribution of professional and social roles in the group (team), leadership, the process of integration and strengthening interconnections between its members, psychological mechanisms of managerial decision-making, socio-psychological qualities of the leader and subordinates. Psychological methods play an important role in working with staff. They are aimed at the specific personality of the employee and are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is the appeal to the inner world of man / woman, his / her personality, intellect, feelings, images and behavior in order to direct the inner potential of man / woman to solve specific problems of the enterprise. It should be noted that the main task of the whole industry is realized with the help of personnel management methods. This is the search for the most effective techniques to influence employees in order to unleash the potential of employees and, accordingly, to improve the performance of the enterprise, create the most appropriate moral and psychological climate that promotes human growth and comprehensive personal development. It is established that personnel management begins with planning, which involves assessing the available resources of the enterprise, identifying possible needs for labor resources, studying the labor market and developing a program to attract staff to meet the needs of the enterprise. Thus, the use of psychological principles of personnel management makes it possible to maintain the optimal level of quantitative ratio between employees, taking into account their psychological compatibility to regulate group relations within the team. It also improves the creative and intellectual potential of staff and enhances the cultural and professional level of enterprise personnel.
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