psychoemotional well-being, subjective well-being, psychological well-being, mental well-being, indice of well-being.Abstract
The article systematizes the experience of measuring integral indices for assessing the well-being in different countries taking into account external and internal factors. Іn particular Gallup-Healthways Global well-being index, indikator of wellbeing of European Social Survey, Happy Planet Index, Better life Index. External factors are defined as those, which depend mainly on the institutional environment (economic institutes, institutes of labour and employment, social protection, social mobility), and internal - those with psychological and sociopsychological determinants (personal characteristics, expectations, sense of social significance, social capital, health, life satisfaction). It was determined that the common features of the internal factors of various indexes of the comprehensive assessment of well-being are physical and mental health, a positive assessment of one’s own life, and the maintenance of social ties. The conceptual models of well-being are analyzed in regard to their internal aspects: subjective well-being, psychological well-being, and mental well-being. The lack of attention of Ukrainian researchers to the development of their own conceptual model of well-being and appropriate diagnostic tools for its measurement is emphasized. The empirically confirmed models of well-being are determined for the operationalization of «psychoemotional well-being» as a construct. In particular: the Singapore Scale of Mental Well-being (SMWEV) and Warwick-Edinburgh (WEMWBS). A system of indicators of psycho-emotional well-being of a person is proposed and substantiated, namely: absence of depression and anxiety, energy, optimism, feeling of one’s worth, self-acceptance, ability to experience happiness, satisfaction with life and peace, feeling of closeness with others, resilience, cognitive efficiency.
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