
  • E. T. Solomka
  • T. V. Khoma
  • A. B. Khlopek



stress, efficiency, mastery, adaptation, coping behaviour, overcoming, difficulties, concept of coping, coping strategies


The article presents a theoretical analysis of the literature sources devoted to the study of coping behaviour and coping strategies of the individual aimed at dealing with the demands of everyday life. The problem of coping behaviour is a less studied phenomenon, but nevertheless extremely important, because the ability to overcome new, difficult life situations indicates a high level of personal development, and requires a person’s high willpower, high level of self-control, reflection, flexibility of thinking and other personal qualities. It is known that the main mechanism that triggers coping behaviour is the situation, so it is necessary to study the processes of mastery of different situations, which allows to reveal special coping strategies, depending on the situational context. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. How we manage stress depends on a number of stressors, i.e. aggravating stimuli, as well as our perception of the severity of these stimuli. In typical stressful situations, the severity of the stressor is usually determined by our past experience with the stressor. If we find ourselves in a situation that we think we can influence, that is, have control over, we choose management strategies that have helped us overcome a similar situation in the past. But during the global coronavirus pandemic, we find ourselves in a situation that most of us have not yet experienced, and so we may perceive it as something we have no control over. We may feel anxious, and these feelings can be extraordinary to us. Quarantine is a predictor of the development of mental disorders such as anxiety, irritability, emotional exhaustion, etc. We can constantly think about the situation, and this makes it impossible to restore our mental well-being.


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How to Cite

Соломка, Е. Т., Хома, Т. В., & Хлопек, А. Б. (2021). COPING BEHAVIOUR OF A PERSONALITY IN PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH AND SOME METHODS OF STRESS MANAGEMENT. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 23-27.