
  • D. S. Drozdova




archetype symbolism, objective and subjective, symbol, active social-psychological knowledge.


This research is a continuation of the analysis of the study of universal and reflexive-authorial symbols. It is focused on the concept of objective and subjective in the process of studying the individual uniqueness of human psyche. The article analyses the research process of the individual uniqueness of subject’s psyche taking in account long – term experience in the field of history, mythology and psychology. The article states the possibilities of presenting the inherent and acquired qualities of a human, forms of behavior, characteristics of personality through the archetypal symbolism. It is determined that the archetypal symbolism is presented through the metaphorically symbolic material and it does not lose the possibility to objectify. The experience of the collective unconscious and individually – objective experience are generalized through the archetype. That means not only genotype is present but also the phenotype is. The article outlines the necessity for psychologists to apply such material analysis that includes the transfer from deduction to induction. The main task of the deep psychologist is to find the possibility to cognize the objective reality in the mental. It sets the subjectivism and makes the attainment of the subject. The attention is focused on the need to apply such dialogical interaction between a psychologist and a protagonist that will conduce the aforementioned. One of the methods of cognition of the individual uniqueness of archetypal symbolism is the method of active socio-psychological cognition, namely the work with author’s and non-author’s drawings. It has been shown that an archetype ‘uses’ the human’s individual experience, ways of selfexpression, internal organisation, semantic priorities that are connected with inner values, ‘unfinished childhood affairs’, that are subject to social motives. The features of the individual uniqueness and subjectivism are revealed in their comparing. Most common symbols in the process of ASPC psychoanalytic work and symbols presented in generally known dictionaries, namely: a circle, the moon, a clock, a bird, a star, a mountain, a triangle, water are collected and analysed in the comparison chart.


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How to Cite

Дроздова, Д. С. (2022). OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE IN UNDERSTANDING OF INDIVIDUAL UNIQUENESS OF THE PSYCHE OF THE SUBJECT. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 50-56. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2022.3.10