addict, approach, dysfunctional family, codependency, codependent personality, codependent behavior, phenomenon.Abstract
The research of recent years makes it possible to say that the phenomenon of «codependence» is the most common phenomenon all over the world. It has an interdisciplinary character, as it interests specialists of various scientific fields: psychology, pedagogy, psychiatry, sociology. The article analyzes the scientific literature on the problem of codependency, examines the peculiarities of the formation of the term «codependency» from the moment of conception of this phenomenon to the present time. The analysis of the views of various researchers on the interpretation of the concept of «codependency» within the limits of medical, social, existential and psychological approaches was carried out. We also performed an analysis of this concept in the framework of those directions that are traditionally distinguished in psychology: evolutionary, psychoanalytic, behavioral, systemic family approach, and also as a personality disorder. In most psychological theories and approaches, the dynamic of development moves from the expressed dependence of the child to emotional autonomy, inner freedom and the ability to create interdependent relationships. In the literature, there are a significant numbers of different interpretations of the definition of the phenomenon of «codependency», researchers studying this problem did not reach a common denominator. At first, it is due to the existence of different approaches to the study of this phenomenon. Secondly, this concept is characterized by non-linearity, heterogeneity and complexity in understanding. In addition, the understanding of this concept is influenced by different ideas about the causes of codependency. On the basis of the performed theoretical analysis, we determined that codependency is an acquired behavioral reaction to long-term stress, as a result of dependence on another person, which is manifested in the need to control the behavior of another person and not toо worry at all about meeting one’s own needs.
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