
  • A. I. Rudenok
  • I. Ye. Ilnytska




family, relations, conflicts, child with special educational needs, child with disorders of the autistic spectrum.


The article focused on the issue of family relationships with children with autism spectrum disorders. The article describes the role of the family in addressing the development and care of children with special educational needs. Considerable attention is paid to problems of families where children with the autism spectrum are brought up. Especially current problems with which parents of children with the autism spectrum faced by: Social and household inflexibility of the child; inadequate behavior of the child in public places (cycle and stereotype of movements, aggression, autoaggression, fears); sharp narrowing of family communication circle; inability to arrange the child in the kindergarten and get to work; Parents lack of necessary information about the development features of a child; parents lack of skills of interaction with the child with the autism spectrum; parents need to rest; fear for the future of the child. Analysis of foreign studies shows that the role of parents is not sufficiently studied in researches on the problem of raising children with the autism spectrum. Research by some foreign authors notes that not only mothers, but also parents suffer from family isolation and require skilled assistance from specialists. The article notes that quite often, the presence of a child with the autism spectrum in a family causes violation of family relations and deformation of family communication. Family stress has a deforming effect on the relationship between parents, manifested in disharmonious conflict relations between spouses. In families of children with autism there is a marked hierarchy of family values, ignoring intimate sexual and social aspects of marital life.


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How to Cite

Руденок, А. І., & Ільницька, І. Є. (2022). SPECIAL FEATURES OF RELATIONSHIPS IN FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 71-75. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2022.3.14