
  • D. D. Romanovska



emotional self-regulation, psychologization of education, psychosocial support, methodological case, technology.


The article is devoted to the urgent need to create a safe space, provide psychosocial support, preserve and/or restore the mental health of participants in the educational process in wartime conditions. The article provides a theoretical analysis of the concept of «emotional self-regulation», its components and levels. The justified significance and influence of the emotional state, the teacher’s experiences on the feeling of security of the students of education, the effectiveness of the educational process. Indicators of the level of stress in the participants of the educational process (teachers, students of education in Chernivtsi region) were analyzed in March and August 2022: a decrease in the high level of stress and anxiety among pedagogical workers was established. It was determined that 8-15% of pedagogical workers and 4-8% of high school students still need urgent psychosocial help to restore the state of psychosocial well-being. The technology for the development of emotional self-regulation as a component of the system of psychosocial support and preservation of the teacher’s mental health is presented, which has been tested in educational institutions and in professional development courses for teaching staff at the Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education of the Chernivtsi region. For the implementation of the technology, the following are proposed: work structure; purpose and task; scientific-theoretical and methodological cases (exercises, games, techniques and tasks).The technology is implemented as a training course, during which the teacher goes from unconscious emotional self-regulation to realizing its value in preserving one’s own mental health through mastering basic psychological techniques, techniques and their conscious use. Also, the article presents the basic components of the Strategy for Psychologization of Education of the Chernivtsi Region for the period until 2025, which is the conceptual basis for organizing a high-quality educational process in the conditions of today’s challenges.


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How to Cite

Романовська, Д. Д. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF EMOTIONAL SELF-REGULATION TEACHERS OF UKRAINE DURING THE WAR. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 76-79.

