
  • L. V. Levytska



self-regulation, psycho-emotional tension of servicemen, means of self-regulation, emotional intelligence, factors of psycho-emotional tension.


The article reveals the concept of emotional tension. It is noted that psycho-emotional tension is a mental state that occurs when a person performs complex tasks or as a result of falling into a difficult life situation. It is indicated that the psycho-emotional tension of servicemen is due to the events that take place in the combat zone and the excessive amount of mental effort required to solve the tasks set before the servicemen. The main factors that contribute to the emergence of psycho-emotional tension among military personnel are revealed, namely: factors related to the organization and provision of professional activities (on the one hand) and social and psychological factors that arise against the background of special conditions of conducting hostilities (on the other side). It is shown that psycho-emotional stress leads to the occurrence of mental injuries and mental disorders of a short-term or long-term nature. It is noted that there are significant problems in overcoming the psycho-emotional tension of servicemen, especially in extreme conditions of activity. It is shown that the psycho-emotional tension of military personnel is a serious problem today, as it is the basis of conflict, disorganization, drunkenness, uncontrollable actions and negatively affects the health of the individual. The essence of psycho-emotional self-regulation is revealed. Means of self-regulation of psycho-emotional tension in military personnel are presented, namely: meditation, self-suggestion, autogenic training, music therapy, bibliotherapy, massage, self-massage, E. Jacobson's method of progressive muscle relaxation, development of emotional intelligence, change in the direction of consciousness, psychogymnastics, art therapy, development emotional stability.


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How to Cite

Левицька, Л. В. (2023). MEANS OF SELF-REGULATION OF PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL TENSION IN MILITARY PERSONNEL. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (4), 5-8.