responsibility, envy, adaptation, motivation, emotionality, counter locus.Abstract
The article examines the specifics of the structural and functional characteristics of responsibility and its relationship with envy in convicted men and women. Responsibility means the subject's guarantee of achieving the result on his own, based on an independently made decision, conscious debt and conscience. Responsibility is considered mainly as an integral phenomenon containing a multidimensional structure. Scientists note that the reasons that cause responsible actions are material and ideal needs and external stimuli. Envy, in turn, is considered by many authors as an attitude towards another person, an experience, an emotional state, as a manifestation of inferiority, as a destructive influence, as a product of a feeling of helplessness, as a malicious feeling, as a form of anxiety or a form of frustration, a protective reaction, a stimulus for self-realization and as a manifestation of achievement motivation. According to the results of the study, the following can be seen: in the group of men with an increase in such indicators as "Personal difficulties", "Dynamic aergicness", "Regulatory externality", "Operational difficulties", the manifestation of envy, which is colored by feelings of embitterment and anger as well as feelings of sadness and despair. As the indicators of "Cognitive awareness" and "Content-semantic aspirations" increase, the manifestation of envy-dislike increases, and with the increase of the indicator "Egocentric motivation", the manifestation of envy-sadness increases. In the group of women with an increase in such indicators as "Egocentric motivation", "Asthenic emotionality", "Regulatory externality", the manifestation of both types of envy increases. With the increase of such indicators as "Cognitive meaningfulness", "Personal difficulties", "Dynamic aergicness", "Cognitive awareness", "Operational difficulties" and "Substantive and meaningful aspirations", the manifestation of envy-sadness increases.
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