
  • S. L. Melnychuk



school deadaptation, junior schoolchildren, forms of manifestation, consequences, causes.


The article analyzes different approaches of scientists regarding the definition of the concept of “school deadaptation”. It is noted that untimely or erroneous diagnosis of the causes and difficulties that arise during schoolchildren’s studies can lead to complex problems. After all, their timely non-resolution in junior school age becomes the basis for various deviations in psychosocial development at the next stages of ontogenesis, with particular acuteness in adolescence, when the effectiveness of correctional assistance decreases. This determines the relevance of the research. The analysis of the main variants of school deadaptation has been carried out. The main forms of manifestation of deadaptation have been analyzed, such as: lack of formation of elements and skills of educational activity; learning motivation, focus; inability to arbitrarily regulate behavior, attention, and educational activities. The main causes and consequences of school deadaptation have been determined. It is concluded that the process of deadaptation of schoolchildren to educational activities is determined by both external and internal factors. The article states that when considering the causes of schoolchildren’s deadaptation, it is necessary to comprehensively approach the issue of impaired personal development, as well as take into account the psychological-pedagogical and social factors that influence its manifestation. And only at this stage we can overcome school deadaptation as a problem that has not yet been fully explored. It is well-founded that most of them can be eliminated thanks to the close cooperation of teachers and parents, as well as the school psychologist. It is possible to overcome deadaptation of junior schoolchildren using optimal conditions of the educational process and appropriate corrective measures.


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How to Cite

Мельничук, С. Л. (2022). SCHOOL DEADAPTATION OF JUNIOR SCHOOLCHILDREN AS A PSYCHOLOGIC-PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEM. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (5), 39-43.