creativity, creativity, harmonization of psycho-emotional state, higher school, participants of the educational process, educational process, exercises for the development of creativity.Abstract
Today, a higher school should provide comprehensive development and psychological support for each participant in the educational process. After all, in the conditions of military operations, it is extremely important that every student feels safe, understands that there is a team that will support, inspire new ideas, and promote their implementation. The purpose of the article is a logical-psychological analysis of the problems of a modern higher school, an empirical study of the effectiveness of psychological-pedagogical means for the development of creativity, harmonization of the psycho-emotional state of the individual in the conditions of a higher education.Based on the theoretical analysis, it is determined that a significant role in understanding the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical means, psychological conditions in higher education is played by the research of Maksymenko S.D., Molyako V.O., Drygus M.T., Shandruk S., Bila I., Podolyak L.G., Yurchenko V.I., O. I. Vlasova, V. A. Semichenko, and others. According to the results of the survey of students of specialties 053 «Psychology», 012 «Preschool education» (1st and 2nd courses), 122 «Computer science» (4th course) of The National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic» it was found out that the question «What psychological and pedagogical means are effective for harmonizing the psycho-emotional state and developing the personality creativity?» 84.0% noted – art practices, in particular, exercises with metaphorical associative images; 83.0% – exercises in drawing therapy; 75.0% – exercises-senkans; 68.0% – exercises that require team creative work. Students perform such exercises while studying the disciplines «Psychology of higher school», «Psychology of creativity», «General psychology», «Psychology». Also, exercises for harmonizing the psycho-emotional state of the individual and developing the creativity of the individual are systematically performed during sessions of the psychological studio «The Way to Success».
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