
  • O. Yu. Ovcharenko



stress resistance, stress, adaptation, self-acceptance, students with disabilities, resources, positive psychotherapy


The article deals with the analysis of studies of stress resistance of students with disabilities. The essence of the concept’s «stress», «stress resistance», «students with disabilities» and «principle of positive psychotherapy» is revealed. It was established that the study of stress resistance of students is not fully disclosed, and the study of stress resistance of students with disabilities was almost not studied. It is shown that the impact of the full-scale war in Ukraine and offline/ distance learning, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, affected the stress level of students. The most pronounced intellectual sign of stress in students is difficulty concentrating, negative thoughts, increased distraction and thoughts about the same problem, chronic lack of time, low productivity and decreased appetite or overeating, to which is added worry and increased anxiety; irritability and fits of anger. It is noted that individual characteristics of students with disabilities are best manifested in character and abilities, in cognitive, emotional and volitional activity, needs and interests, in adaptation to surrounding events and motivation. It is substantiated that the main resource of stress resistance of students with disabilities is the trauma they received, and the impetus is the desire to live without limitations. Illness is a way of self-organization of personality, realization of life goals, disclosure of one’s potential, striving for self-development and acceptance of challenges. At the same time, the sense of happiness and subjective well-being of students with disabilities is lower than that of other students, due to the low level of satisfaction of needs for autonomy and competence. Assessment of one’s own personal resources is achievement of success, perception of life path and realistic goals. The availability of internal resources increases resistance to traumatic effects. Personal resources (experience, motivation, self-sufficiency, self-esteem, active life position, emotional and willpower, own health) and external resources (material means, social support) are important for students. Based on the analysis, a theoretical model of stress resistance research of students with disabilities was created, where physiological, social and psychological factors are highlighted. But based on the concept of positive psychotherapy, the model of factors of stress resistance of students with disabilities is presented in a broader way, where a student with disabilities must be focused on his resources, understand his abilities, accept responsibility for himself and for what is happening in his life. Our world has changed rapidly over the past few decades and continues to change. Instability, fast pace of life, new challenges, as well as pandemics, wars and other negative external conditions, clearly shape our perception of the world and, accordingly, form the basis for resistance to stressful factors. Stress and stress resistance especially attract attention in times of war, pandemics, global world crises, disasters, so this topic is relevant for research.


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How to Cite

Овчаренко, О. Ю. (2023). PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF RESEARCHING THE STRESS RESISTANCE OF STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (6), 10-17.