semantic attitude, crisis state, regulatory influenceAbstract
The article highlights the theoretical aspects of the problem of the influence of semantic attitude on the individual's experience of a mental state caused by a crisis situation. An analysis of the concept of semantic installation is given. The main forms of influence of the semantic attitude on the course of activity are singled out. Types of crisis situations, types of mental states are revealed. The process of self-regulation of mental states is considered. The global socio-economic, state, ideological, ecological crisis, in the vortex of which we live, exposes the individual problems of each individual, reveals its internal conflicts and suffering. Constantly in search of the meaning of one's own existence on the dizzying way of life, rushing through the age ladder, starting life first after each life crisis, which is still enough, a person grows up, grows, gains experience. Every life crisis is the most important test we take from time to time, not knowing exactly what the outcome will be. This trend requires psychological science to find ways and optimal ways to overcome crises and help the individual in critical life situations.
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