value orientations, studentship, psychosomatics, depression, meaning of the life sphereAbstract
The article presents the results of the analysis of value orientations as a predictor of the development of psychosomatic diseases, as well as the results of an empirical study of the meaning of life orientations and the level of depressive disorder in students. Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of data from an empirical study of the impact of students’ value orientations on the development of psychosomatic diseases, the article presents reliable results that indicate that students have significant differences in the hierarchy of values, which may be indicated by the discrepancy in the ranking positions of values. By means of a comparative analysis of the results of both groups, it was established that for the students of the control group, the most pronounced value is «spending free time, rest», in contrast to the students of the experimental group, for whom the value of «recognition and respect of people, influence on others» is determined in the first place. As a result of the study of meaningful life orientations of students, significant differences were found in the subscales «general level of meaningfulness of life», «life process» and «locus of control – life». The analysis of the data obtained during the diagnosis of the degree of depressive disorders allows us to note that in both groups of subjects the indicators were within the normal range, that is, there were no subjects with moderate and severe depression. The results of studies of the value orientations of students with various psychosomatic diseases indicate that students with a higher level of positive value orientations have an average degree of a pronounced tendency to perceive and reproduce a positive attitude towards their own health, an average degree of positive value orientations directed at themselves and a high degree orientation of positive value orientations to others. The article provides prospects for further research.
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