
  • I. V. Chukhrii



youth, emotional states, adaptation, maladaptation, anxiety, depression


The article presents the results of an empirical study of the problem of psychological features of emotional experiences of youth. Experiencing negative emotional states can negatively affect all spheres of young people’s life, hinder professional training and further professional development, affect interpersonal relationships and hinder personal development. It is important to recognize the emergence of negative emotional formations in time and provide competent psychological assistance. A psychodiagnostic complex of research methods was composed for the study of psychological features of emotional experiences of youth. It was established that most of the studied students of youth age experience personal anxiety, which is a basic experience for the formation of negative emotional formations. The experience of depression and the predominance of indirect, verbal forms of aggression, irritation, and suspicion were also revealed. High indicators of adaptability were revealed, which can be characterized as overadaptive manifestations. Overadaptation occurs when a person makes an excessive amount of effort to adapt. The consequence of overadaptation can be exhaustion of the body, that is, it performs an adaptive function for a certain time, but over time it exhausts the entire potential of the human body and leads to exhaustion. Pearson’s rank correlation coefficient was used to determine statistically significant relationships between the investigated scales of the methods. A correlation between adaptability and physical aggression was established. That is, the physical reaction of anger can lead to adaptation in difficult times of war. The correlation between the scales of depression and personal and situational anxiety and maladaptation was revealed. That is, negative emotional states are interconnected with maladaptation The correlation between maladaptation and negative emotional personality traits identified in the article indicate the need for psychological help for the young men and women under study.


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How to Cite

Чухрій, І. В. (2023). PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES OF YOUTH PERSONS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (6), 54-58.