educational organizations, managers of educational organizations, team, innovative management style, managerial activity, psychological featuresAbstract
The transformational changes occurring today in education require the introduction of new approaches to the process of managing educational organizations. The article presents the results of research on the problem of innovative management styles of managers of educational organizations, which is relevant for organizational psychology. A practical solution to the problem of formation of management teams in educational organizations involves determining and realizing the importance of systematic psychological training of education managers for the formation of professional management teams. The psychological features of innovative management styles of managers of educational organizations, selected according to the criterion «Teamwork in the organization», are revealed. The following innovative style skills are highlighted: orientation of managers of educational organizations to team interaction based on clearly defined roles, readiness for internal acceptance of set organizational goals and tasks, ability to organize joint activities to solve management issues, readiness and skills for constructive communication, dialogue and interaction with various categories of people. These characteristics make it possible to ensure effective, creative activity of the team, which is able to support new ideas and approaches, innovative activity. It is noted that the principle of team activity is important for managerial activity in conditions of organizational changes. The traditional («fear of poverty», «rest house», «authority-submission») and innovative («organization», «team») management styles of managers of educational organizations are distinguished according to the indicator «managers’ orientation to teamwork». The features of each of the presented styles are revealed. Implementation of a special program aimed at developing a team approach in the activities of managers of educational organizations can contribute to increasing flexibility and adaptability in management activities.
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