communicative tolerance, levels of communicative tolerance, personality factorsAbstract
The article presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of the characteristics of future professionals with different levels of communicative tolerance. In our study, communicative tolerance is considered as an important part of the educational process for the training of future professionals. Communicative tolerance as one of the most important and very informative traits of a person is a “team”, because it reflects the factors of fate and education, communication experience, culture, values, needs, interests, guidelines, character, temperament, habits, thinking and, of course, emotional stereotype of behavior. The sample consisted of 54 people – students of the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky. The psychodiagnostic complex consisted of traditional, standardized psychodiagnostic methods: “Methods of diagnosis of general communicative tolerance” (V.V. Boyko), “Freiburg Personal Questionnaire” (FPI) (V. Farenberg, H. Zarg and R. Gampel). The correlation analysis showed the presence of significant relationships between indicators of communicative tolerance and indicators of personality factors, which shows the interconnectedness of these phenomena confirms that each of them has its own specific characteristics and accordingly implements its functions. Using the method of “aces” were studied subjects with certain manifestations of communicative tolerance, namely: groups of people with high and low overall levels of communicative tolerance. As a result of qualitative analysis, psychological characteristics were given to future professionals who differ in the level of communicative tolerance.
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