
  • M. I. Zamishchak



empathy, social and psychological mechanism, future teacher, social and psychological competence, special growth


The psychological features of the formation of empathy as a socio-psychological mechanism in future teachers are analyzed. The essence and content of the mentioned phenomenon, as the socio-psychological competence of the future teacher, are explained. The main personal factors affecting the empathy of the individual are presented. Therefore, empathic orientation should be specially formed in the future teacher. The development of pedagogical empathy at the personal level involves elements of self-actualization, self-realization, self-improvement, self-projection, that is, engaging in self-education. Learn at the mortgage of the future teacher. It is encouraged that the formation of empathy in the future teacher will help optimize the lighting process in the foundation of the highest education, develop new technologies for learning, developing, shaping, for those who were constructively implemented subject-subject in zaemostosunki between vikladachami and future teachers as subjects of the illuminating process . The results of an empirical study on the development of empathic traits in future teachers are presented, as a way to give an important clue for the visnovka. And the very thing that the future teachers do not feel that feeling of one hundred percent of their classmates and other special features, the stink cannot be enough life proof for the establishment of positive interpersonal attitudes, as well as patience, vitality, haste, abi listen, understand your mind, put yourself in the middle of another and implement it to help, even if it is necessary, in a problem situation. It is clear that the development of empathy as a social and psychological mechanism among the future teachers is realized during the first hour of the performance of the singing tasks, training rights, with the peculiarities of what the future teacher is aware of in practical activities in the process of learning at the mortgage Oh, enlighten. Annotation. It is stated that the future teacher should learn to adequately formulate the goals, tasks, reveal and solve pedagogical tasks, assess, resolve the consequences, problem situations, take non-standard solutions and solve them for them, generate original ideas, but prepare to innovate.


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How to Cite

Заміщак, М. І. (2023). PSYCHOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES OF THE FORMATION OF EMPATH IN THE FUTURE PEDAGOGIES. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 62-66.