
  • Yu. P. Vatan



metacognitive activity, metacognition, metacognitive processes, cognition, self-regulation


The article raises the topical problem of metacognitive phenomena. The results of theoretical analysis of metacognitive activity as a complex integrative structure, the main function of which is to manage the processes of perception, storage, processing and restorage of information is presented. Based on a review of existing theories, in which metacognitive processes as a component of different systems such as self-regulated learning, metacognition, and self-regulation, their main features such as consciousness, arbitrariness, and purposefulness were identified and described. It is substantiated that metacognitive activity is not a simple set of regulatory processes, but a complex formation that contains following components: motivational-emotional, reflexive-evaluative, volitional, operational and informational. The motivational-emotional component is represented by a set of needs, interests, desires that play a role in initiating metacognitive activity, that includes motives for both cognitive activity in general and the actual motives for taking measures to control the cognitive processes. The volitional component, which can be considered the core of metacognitive activity, as it accounts for the implementation of its main function, is represented by the processes of goal setting, planning of cognitive activity and control. They are carried out in the form of certain operations, among which the following can be distinguished: time allocation, selection of certain cognitive strategies or mnemonics, searching and correction of errors. Reflexive processes, the purpose of which is to monitor the cognition and make certain assessments, i. e. judgments that reflect its state, provide the subject with current information that enable possibility of taking regulatory actions. The informational component also includes the individual’s knowledge of the characteristics of his cognitive sphere in general, as well as knowledge about cognitive strategies that can be used in problem solving or completing some tasks.


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How to Cite

Ватан, Ю. П. (2022). STRUCTURE AND NATURE OF METACOGNITIVE ACTIVITY. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 10-14.