
  • L. S. Protsyk



sexual violence, children, social destruction, prevention, investigation


The article analyzes the psychological content of sexual violence against children as social destruction. The peculiarities of protecting children from sexual violence both at the international level in general and in Ukraine in particular are considered in detail. A socio-legal analysis of the problem of sexual violence against children was carried out. Attention is focused on the complexity of describing statistical data on sexual violence against children, especially in conditions of war and military conflicts. The most common causes of sexual violence against children are analyzed (violations of moral and ethical norms, crime, deviance, behavioral disorders, problems in upbringing, socio-economic factors, cultural factors, communication problems), as well as various forms of its manifestation are considered (physical sexual violence, non-compliance sexual needs of a child, emotional sexual violence, sexual harassment, exploitation of a child for sexual purposes). Particular attention is paid to the specifics of sexual violence against children in the digital environment. Various behavioral, psychological and social problems that arise in the development of children depending on the age and severity of sexual violence to which they were subjected have been studied. It is also noted that the process of investigating cases of sexual violence against children is extremely complex and often faces numerous challenges. The importance of prevention of sexual violence against children was noted and the need to implement appropriate measures was emphasized. Thus, a wide range of aspects related to sexual violence against children is revealed, providing a detailed analysis of the psychological content of this problematic phenomenon. Based on the analysis, the article recommends the active implementation of preventive measures aimed at preventing sexual violence against children. It is important to take into account the characteristics of different age groups and problems related to the severity of violence. Prevention programs, education campaigns, public awareness, and victim support are just a few of the many ways to address this problem.


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How to Cite

Процик, Л. С. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTENT OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN AS SOCIAL DESTRUCTION. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 39-44.