
  • N. I. Pyliavets




self-preservation, self-preservation behavior, healthy lifestyle, motivation, self-efficacy


The article presents an analysis of the state of health of the population of our country and the reasons that affect it, substantiates the relevance of the work of psychologists and teachers in the direction of the formation of self-preservation behavior in student youth. The main aspects of the study of self-preservation behavior in psychology are defined. The most important of them are: the definition of the concepts of “self-preservation” and “self-preservation behavior”, the definition of the role of the individual as a subject of self-preservation and the strategy of self-preservation behavior, factors that influence the formation of health-preservation and self-preservation behavior. The purpose of the article is to determine the theoretical and experimental study of the peculiarities of the motivational sphere of students with different attitudes towards their own health. The analysis of the results of the experimental part of the study suggests that the average level of attitude towards one’s own health prevails among the respondents, due to frequent violations of the diet, non-compliance with the daily and rest regime, abuse of bad habits. But extreme values (extremely contemptuous attitude towards health) were not mentioned by any of the interviewees. The relationship between the level of attitude towards health and motivation for material satisfaction, motivation for self-development and motivation for achieving success was determined. The generalization of the results of theoretical searches and the carried out experimental study of the peculiarities of the motivational sphere of students made it possible to emphasize once again that making a decision to follow a healthy lifestyle is an individual process, and each person can have his own motivations and reasons for such a choice, as well as to determine the main motivational factors factors encouraging self-preservation, and those motivational stimuli that psychologists and teachers can use in working with students in the direction of forming self-preservation behavior.


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How to Cite

Пилявець, Н. І. (2023). FEATURES OF THE MOTIVATION SPHERE OF STUDENTS WITH DIFFERENT ATTITUDES TOWARDS THEIR OWN HEALTH. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 45-48. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2023.2.8