
  • O. V. Starynska



socio-psychological adaptation, adaptability, mal-adaptability, social intelligence, ability, higher education applicant


The article reveals the results of an empirical study of the relationship social intelligence with socio-psychological adaptation of higher education applicants. The research used: theoretical analysis, a social intelligence test (J. Guilford, M. O’Sullivan), a socio-psychological adaptation questionnare (C. Rogers, R. Dymond), Pearson correlation coefficient. 240 higher education applicants took part in the empirical research. The definition of social intelligence as a integrated complex of personality abilities (understand and analyze the manifestations of other people’ behavior and verbal and non-verbal behavioral expression; to identify the motives and consequences of their behavior in different situations; to predict their further behavior), which ensures success in social interaction is presented. Socio-psychological adaptation of personality is defined as the process of its active adaptation to the conditions of society. Concerning the general indicator of social intelligence empirically revealed that almost half of the subjects have an average level, almost a third part is lower than the average, almost sixteenth – higher than the average and twenty – high. The studied levels are able to properly understand the motives of behavior and manifestations of non-verbal and verbal behavioral expression of other people and to anticipate their actions in the future, respectively in almost half, one or three –fourth parts or all social interactions. Low level has not been detected. With regard to the main indicators of sociopsychological adaptation, it is established that almost two three parts of the subjects have an average level of adaptability and low level of mal-adaptability and almost one third-a high level of adaptability and average level of mal-adaptability. The low level of adaptability and high level of mal-adaptability is not determined. The connection of social intelligence with the adaptability of the subjects is statistically significant and direct, with mal-adaptability – the opposite. The established connection confirmed the impact of social intelligence on the effectiveness of socio-psychological adaptation of higher education applicants.


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How to Cite

Старинська, О. В. (2023). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL ADAPTATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION APPLICANTS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 49-53.