
  • A. O. Shashenkova
  • O. O. Shcherbakova




self-regulation, self-regulation of activities, volitional self-regulation, socio-emotional self-regulation, future officers, military training profile


The article conducts an experimental study of the manifestation of self-regulation among cadets of the military profile at different courses of study. The specificity of different types of self-regulation is outlined, namely: self-regulation of activity, volitional and socio-emotional self-regulation. The leading functions of self-regulation for military personnel (regulatory, organizing, predictive, stabilizing, restorative, facilitating) are allocated, the importance of developing this construct during higher education is proved, and the priority tasks through which the development of self-regulation of future officers is carried out are listed. The empirical study was conducted with the participation of cadets of the Kharkiv National University of the Air Force named after Ivan Kozhedub. The sample consisted of 97 cadets, evenly divided by sex (1st and 3rd courses of specialties “Radio Engineering”, “Metrology and Information and Measuring Technologies” were involved). The following diagnostic tools were used: “Style of self-regulation of behavior – SSP-98”; test questionnaire of volitional self-regulation; methods for determining the severity of self-control in the emotional sphere, activity and behavior. The following methods of mathematical statistics were used: calculation of the arithmetic mean and correlation analysis using the Mann-Whitney U-test. In the course of the experimental study, the following generalized results were obtained: the types of self-regulation considered in the article in future officers are generally developed at the average level; the indicators of students of senior years of education are somewhat higher than those of freshmen, that is, self-regulation of cadets develops during training; volitional self-regulation, unlike other types of self-regulation, of future officers of all courses is developed at a high level, which confirms its special importance for the military profile of training; we believe that different types of self-regulation affect different areas of military training: self-regulation of activities – the educational process, academic performance; volitional self-regulation – physical fitness, physiological indicators; socio-emotional self-regulation – communication with classmates, teachers, senior officers.


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How to Cite

Шашенкова, А. О., & Щербакова, О. О. (2023). FEATURES OF SELF-REGULATION OF FUTURE OFFICERS IN VARIOUS TRAINING COURSES. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 54-58. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2023.2.10