
  • T. Yu. Fedorchuk
  • T. V. Mozharovska



adaptation, psychological adaptation, organizational adaptation, socio-psychological adaptation, professional adaptation, employees


The article presents a theoretical analysis of the psychological features of employee adaptation, analyzes the essence of the concept of “psychological adaptation” of a newly appointed employee and the study of psychological adaptation of an individual in foreign and domestic literature, as well as considers the features of adaptation of newly arrived employees to the conditions of professional activity. The relevance of this problem is reflected, which is that professional activity occupies an important place in the life of every person. Disappointment in the chosen profession, little or no significant achievements in it, dissatisfaction with the career and oneself, which arises in connection with this, can cause deep experiences in a person. Active human interaction with the environment is accompanied by its adaptation to it. The process of labor adaptation of the employee and the organization will be more successful when the norms and values of the team become the norms and values of the individual employee and the sooner he accepts and defines his social role in the team. Adaptation is planned as one of some areas of personnel management practice in modern organizations. Thus, L. D. Stolyarenko defined adaptability as the level of a person’s actual adjustment, the level of his social status and sense of self, satisfaction or dissatisfaction with himself and his life. An employee can normally carry out labor activities only when the conditions of the external environment are optimal. If they change, become unfavorable, then the human body includes a special mechanism to counteract them, which preserves the constancy of the internal environment, or changes it within the permissible limits. Such a mechanism is called adaptation.


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How to Cite

Федорчук, Т. Ю., & Можаровська, Т. В. (2023). THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF EMPLOYEE ADAPTATION. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 65-68.