
  • O. V. Konovalova
  • S. V. Bykova



cognitive sphere of personality, motivational readiness for learning, psychology of success, self-regulation, students, anxiety, conditions of uncertainty, chronic stress


The article describes the formation of resilience in student youth. It was determined that resilience is the ability to cope with difficult life circumstances, as well as the desire for quick recovery. The influence of character traits and temperament on the development of this phenomenon is described. It was established that resilience can be formed and the aspects of its formation were revealed. Such factors influencing the individual’s resilience as the level of assessment of one’s abilities were analyzed; communicative sphere of the person; availability of realistic plans; the ability to defend one’s positions; presence of vital values; having hopes for something; ability to solve problems independently. It is summarized how the ability to solve problems independently and with the help of others affects the life of an individual and his resilience. The work highlights the essence of resilience in education seekers. The relevant study is characterized, which demonstrates the state of resilience in the surveyed youth. The impact of life satisfaction, realistic assessment of the surrounding situation, the format of learning and communication, the cognitive sphere of the individual on the ability to solve problems independently and search for optimal solutions is revealed. Aspects of building resilience in students of education are described. Measures that can contribute to the formation of resilience among student youth have been identified. It has been established that resilience can be more successfully formed by organizing appropriate seminars and psychological workshops for young people, special psychological services, curatorial hours in vocational and technical education and higher education institutions. The article pays special attention to the correlation between the level of resilience and the success rate of education seekers. This made it possible to determine that young people who are able to solve problems independently, know the optimal solutions, have better educational indicators than those who do not have developed skills of independent problem solving. At the same time, it was determined that students with a high level of resilience have better indicators in interpersonal relationships. At the same time, the resilience of students of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd years of education was characterized.


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How to Cite

Коновалова, О. В., & Бикова, С. В. (2023). BUILDING RESILIENCE IN YOUTH STUDENTS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 13-17.