self-perception, self-actualization, reproductive sphere, crisis situation, infertilityAbstract
The article examines the connection between stress and infertility, which has been discussed in scientific circles for years. Women with infertility are prone to higher levels of anxiety and depression, so it’s obvious that infertility causes stress. However, whether stress causes infertility is less clear. The effect of distress on treatment outcome is difficult to examine due to a number of factors, including imprecise measures of self-esteem and feelings of heightened optimism at the start of treatment. However, recent studies have documented the effectiveness of psychological interventions in reducing psychological distress and are also associated with significant increases in pregnancy rates. It has been proven that a cognitive-behavioral group approach can be the most effective way to achieve both goals. Given the level of stress many infertile women report, increasing the availability of these programs is critical. Modern theories about gender and gender identity have been studied, which predict that the manifestation of various personal qualities of a person, including his self-actualization, are not so much related to biological sex (male/female) as to sociopsychological sex – those features qualities and properties constructed by the socio-cultural environment. The process of self-actualization of a woman goes through the realization of herself in the form of personal contributions to other people. The gender role of a woman is inextricably linked with motherhood, as one of the ways of realizing oneself in another person – a child. Emotionally significant in this case for a woman is the diagnosis of infertility, which deprives her of the opportunity to confirm her femininity by giving birth to a child. We assume that in a similar life situation for a woman, changes are possible in the system of values and methods of self-actualization, which are necessary for the realization of identity under new conditions. Summarizing all of the above, the existence of differences in gender self-esteem and self-actualization in women with reproductive disorders is emphasized.
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