forced migration, adaptation, painful emotional states, maladaptation, emotional and behavioral reactionsAbstract
The article reveals peculiarities of psychological support of women with children who were forced to leave Ukraine. It was determined that reactions to stress were interconnected with the individual's aspiration to independence in solving problems by setting goals and determining strategies for their achievement. It gives reason to talk about formation of a positive mood, positive experiences of women, independent selection of strategies for their achievement. It is just connection between choosing a strategy of independent choice in stressful situations and positive emotions that forms adaptation to new life conditions. If a woman effectively uses opportunities, is able to create conditions and circumstances suitable for meeting her own needs and achieving goals, then this creates conditions for obtaining satisfaction and restoring her psychological health. It creates a sense of psychological well-being. If a woman has difficulties in organizing daily activities, she feels unable to change circumstances, is deprived of a sense of control over what is happening around her, so it is difficult for her to adapt to new living conditions. Based on the analysis done of theoretical and applied researches, it was determined that there are personal changes in forced Ukrainian migrants regardless of the country of their temporary stay. The psychological features are characterized of Ukrainian women with children who moved to Bulgaria as a result of the war, as well as the main forms and methods of working with them. The influence technologies were chosen specifically for group work (through interaction with children) and individual online work with a psychotherapist. This approach of improving the psychological health of women through interaction of children in the group changed the type of reaction to stress in women. The women established relationships with each other, with representatives of the administration, with neighbors; and their children began to make friends with each other and with other children.
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