stress, crisis, coping strategies, psychological protection, traumatic experienceAbstract
The article notes that it seems possible to distinguish two main ways of experiencing crises: through psychological defense mechanisms and overcoming behavior (coping strategies). The purpose of the article is, after analyzing scientific works in this direction, to determine the difference between the effectiveness of an individual's use of psychological protection mechanisms and coping strategies, so that in further research and in practice, one can rely on means of overcoming the crisis state of the individual, which are more appropriate for the situation. It was determined that effective stress management is implemented through coping strategies designed to control and minimize the consequences of negative influences. Emphasis is placed on three main vectors of coping strategies: focused on the problem, focused on emotions, focused on assessing the situation. As for the mechanisms of psychological protection, it is noted that they are aimed at displacing information that contradicts the current "I" concept. Based on the analysis of scientific research and works, it was determined that the difference between psychological defenses and coping lies in the degree of their awareness and control. Defensive psychological mechanisms are defined as irrational and aimed at a temporary solution to a problem, while coping strategies are conscious and well-directed actions that allow solving problems for a long time. It is outlined that the orientation of these processes is different: mechanisms of psychological protection are aimed at the inner world and regulation of the psycho-emotional state, while coping is aimed at restoring the personality's relations with the outside world. The use of coping strategies is more demanding in terms of the use of cognitive, moral and physical efforts, but it allows you to really process the crisis situation of the individual, leads to the accumulation of experience and is more rational in the long term.
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