
  • K. L. Miliutina
  • L. L. Sarry




subjective well-being, coping, tolerance for uncertainty, pandemic, unemployment


The article analyzes theoretical data in the form of current issues, research and development of the concept of coping strategies and subjective well-being; the relationship between the characteristics of coping behavior, tolerance for uncertainty and the feeling of subjective well-being of people of different ages and genders; the level of subjective well-being and the severity of coping strategies were compared with indicators of age and social status. The study involved 217 people of both sexes aged 14 to 60 with different social status, including students, pupils and employees. Methods: updated Oxford Happiness Inventory, Richard Lazarus and Susan Faulkman’s Behavioral Behaviors, Badner’s Individual Level of Tolerance for Uncertainty. Regression analysis was performed. It was found that: with age, the level of subjective well-being and the burden of coping strategy planning to solve the problem increases; the most “satisfied with life” are students-psychologists, employed, employed students and entrepreneurs. Students and the unemployed received the lowest indicators of psychological well-being. An empirical study of the factors of subjective well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine restrictions revealed the following factors that contribute to well-being: objective (age, employment and training); subjective (tolerance for uncertainty, coping strategies of positive reassessment and planning to solve the problem). Intolerance to novelty, insolubility and uncertainty, tendency to such copings as avoidance and acceptance of responsibility negatively affect the subjective well-being of the individual. Accepting responsibility becomes unconstructive coping precisely in a situation of uncertainty and unresolved situation.


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How to Cite

Мілютіна, К. Л., & Сарри, Л. Л. (2022). FACTORS OF SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING OF PERSONALITY UNDER CONDITIONS OF QUARANTINE RESTRICTIONS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 24-28. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2021.3.5