justice, sensitivity to justice, victim’s justice sensitivity, observer’s justice sensitivity, beneficiary justice sensitivity, perpetrator’s justice sensitivity, personal anxiety, situational anxietyAbstract
The article provides the results of the analysis of approaches to understanding the phenomenon of justice available in psychological doctrine. The basic statements of the concept of sensitivity to justice are defined. Distinctive features of victim justice sensitivity, observer justice sensitivity, beneficiary justice sensitivity, perpetrator justice sensitivity are characterized. Based on the results of an empirical study of the phenomenon of sensitivity to justice as a personal phenomenon of people who were forced to change their place of permanent residence in connection with military actions in Ukraine, it was found that in this category of people the observer’s justice sensitivity and perpetrator’s justice sensitivity prevail. The hypothesis concerning the respondents’ tendency to experience guilt when they commit unjust acts, and to feel anger when they face the violation of social norms by other persons, concerning the presence of motivation to restore justice, intervene in unjust situations and compensate victims of injustice, as well as concerning the predominance of prosocial tendencies in behavior is proved. It was established that people who were forced to change their place of permanent residence in connection with military actions in Ukraine have an increased level of personal and situational anxiety. It is proved that there is a direct correlation between the level of indicators of sensitivity to the observer’s justice sensitivity, beneficiary justice sensitivity, perpetrator’s justice sensitivity and the level of situational anxiety as well as between the level of personal anxiety and indicators of victim’s justice sensitivity, observer’s justice sensitivity, beneficiary justice sensitivity, perpetrator’s justice sensitivity.
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