
  • V. V. Papusha



professional destruction, types, forms, factors, conditions, activity, subject.


The article is devoted to the problem of professionally caused destructions. Objective, subjective and objectivesubjective factors that initiate professional destruction are considered from the standpoint of the four-component structure of the personality, and the main forms of their manifestation are analyzed. Groups of the main determinants of professional destructions that create conditions for their formation are singled out. It was found that by their nature, professional destructions constitute various types of psychological stress factors that mediate the occurrence of stress syndromes. Long-term professional activity is accompanied by personal and professional growth, job satisfaction and increased productivity. Attention is focused on the fact that at the initial stages of professional development, periods of stabilization of positive gains are inevitable, but they are of a short-term nature. It is substantiated that the process of professional stagnation can be experienced by the subject as psychological stress. In the case of insufficient adaptive capabilities, experiencing stress manifests itself in persistent stress syndromes. Psychological determinants of professional destruction include the use of various forms of psychological protection that do not ensure the mental well-being of the subject. Transformational processes in the motivational sphere of the subject of activity give rise to learned helplessness. It is the habit of living without resistance, without taking responsibility for oneself. The development of professional destruction is facilitated by the intensity of work and its emotional saturation. It is shown that professional activities, such as pedagogical ones, are characterized by such manifestations of deformations as: actualization of character accentuations, subjectcentered orientation, development of rigid perception, dogmatic thinking, as well as excessive self-confidence. Among the causes of professional destruction, the following are highlighted: professional alienation, which manifests itself in emotional instability, low self-esteem, passivity. Characteristic behavioral signs of professional alienation are: marginalism, isolation, loss of identity and, as a result, cynicism and exaggeration of one’s merits. The need to minimize the impact of negative factors on the professional development of the subject of activity actualizes the research of conscious and unconscious mechanisms for preventing the phenomena of professional destruction.


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How to Cite

Папуша, В. В. (2023). PROFESSIONAL DESTRUCTION AS A SUBJECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (4), 5-9.