corruption, detection of corrupt behaviour, psychological aspects of corruption, psychological methods, psychological states.Abstract
This scientific article is devoted to the study of psychological methods used to identify and analyze corrupt behaviour among employees of state structures. Corruption is a serious threat to society and the development of the country, especially in wartime, so it is important to develop effective tools to detect and prevent this phenomenon. The article examines various aspects of psychological methods, including psychological profiling, personality testing, identification of psychological states that contribute to corrupt behaviour, and analysis of moral and ethical beliefs of government employees. Psychological methods used to identify and analyze corrupt behaviour in state structures are considered. The personal and psychological characteristics of persons prone to corrupt actions were analyzed. This includes analysis of moral standards, level of self-control, motivation, and other factors that may influence employee decisions. The purpose of the work is to highlight various aspects of the use of psychology in the context of the fight against corruption, to consider possible challenges and obstacles. Based on the results of the study, recommendations are proposed for preventing corruption in state structures. The recommendations are aimed at improving the efficiency of selection and training of employees, as well as changes in organizational culture and ethics. The article also focuses on ethical issues related to the use of psychological methods to detect corrupt behaviour. In the course of the empirical research, great attention was paid to the observance of ethical standards and the protection of the rights and dignity of the research participants. This included the confidentiality and security of the data received. The results of the study can be useful for authorities, law enforcement agencies and scientists who are interested in issues of fighting corruption and improving the efficiency of state structures in the specified context. Psychology can help reveal the hidden sides of corrupt behaviour and contribute to the creation of honest, transparent and effective state structures.
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