
  • I. S. Pototska
  • T. P. Rysynets
  • L. S. Loiko




Alexithymia, medical psychology students, medicine students, alexithymic personality type, empathy.


The article examines the dynamics of manifestations of alexithymia in students of the Vinnytsia National Medical University named after M.I. Pirogov, who are studying “medical psychology” and “medicine”. Alexithymia is considered as a stable personality trait, which, under the influence of other factors of the external environment, leads to the exacerbation of somatic diseases and can be a factor in the occurrence of mental disorders. Alexithymia is an underestimated ability or difficulty in verbalizing emotional states. The manifestations of alexithymia in students at the initial stage of education, in the first year, are compared with the manifestations of alexithymia at the final stage of education, in the sixth year. A high percentage of alexithymic personality type was found in first-year students, regardless of the major they study. High rates of alexithymia are observed in approximately ten percent of the general population. Socio-demographic factors include a low level of education, divorce, loneliness and low social status. The reduction of manifestations of alexithymia in students of the sixth year of study of both specialties was studied. In the percentage ratio, the decrease in manifestations of alexithymia prevails among students of the 6th year of the specialty of medical psychology, which, in our opinion, is connected with the study of psychologically oriented disciplines and conducting practical psychological work with students of medical psychologists. Manifestations of alexithymia among modern student youth directly depend on the period of study at a higher education institution and on the profile of their studies, the specifics of the working curriculum approved by the VNMU, and on the educational components presented in the educational professional program (EPP). A low level of alexithymia is a high level of emotional intelligence, which is the basis of high social adaptation.


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How to Cite

Потоцька, І. С., Рисинець , Т. П., & Лойко, Л. С. (2023). DYNAMICS OF ALEXITHYMIA MANIFESTATIONS IN THE PROCESS OF EDUCATION OF MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGIST STUDENTS IN HIGH SCHOOLS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (4), 66-68. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2023.4.13