emotional burnout, professional burnout, worker with ASD children, autism spectrum disorder, emotional exhaustion.Abstract
The article presents empirical investigations of indicators of emotional burnout syndrome among educators working with children with ASD, as a result of which the most objective data were obtained when choosing methods; Quantitative and qualitative indicators of the characteristics of the manifestation of emotional burnout among educators working with ASD children were determined. The results of the level of expression of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of professional efficiency were analyzed. The data on the determination of attitude to work and professional burnout are given. The degree of development of stress phases in the professional activity of a pedagogical worker is determined: tension, resistance, exhaustion. The purpose of the study is to empirically investigate the psychological characteristics of emotional burnout among educators working with children with ASD. Fifteen female educators, aged from 30 to 50 years, served as the empirical basis of the study. Special attention was paid to observing the behavior of the subjects in the process of professional activity, their mutual relations in the work team, prevailing emotional reactions. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the features of the manifestation of SEV in educators working with children with ASD is the final stage of this study. The following methods were chosen for the psychodiagnostic toolkit for researching the features of the emotional burnout syndrome in educators working with children with ASD: the “Professional (emotional) burnout MBI” method (K. Maslach, S. Jackson, modified by N. Vodopyanova); SRPV technique “Attitude to work and professional burnout” (V. Vinokur). According to the results of the “Emotional exhaustion” scale, the group of respondent-educators has a high level of this exhaustion (48 points out of 54). The results of the respondents on the “Depersonalization” scale show that their level is 25 out of 30 points. Educators working with ASD children are characterized by emotional exhaustion and emotional detachment, which is manifested in partial manifestations of fatigue, loss of interest in work, irritability. Respondent educators are ready to develop their professional motivation and productivity. The results of the two methods show emotional burnout and stress at work, which indicates the propensity of educators to the occurrence of emotional burnout syndrome due to the specifics of their professional activity.
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