mental health, socio-psychological factors, employees, commercial organizations, professional activityAbstract
The article carries out a theoretical and methodological analysis of approaches to the study of the problem of psychological health of employees of commercial organizations in the scientific literature and the state of its development. It was found that modern scientific research is devoted to the study of the relationship between categories of psychological and mental health, dominant emotional and personal states of a mentally healthy worker. Mental health is an important component of the general condition of an individual and affects his quality of life, professional activities and relationships with others. Mental health is defined as a complex psycho-emotional state of a person, which includes his emotional stability, ability to adapt to various life situations, as well as the level of satisfaction with life. This concept implies individual resistance to stress and the ability to solve psychological conflicts and problems. Theories of mental health of employees of commercial organizations are singled out: stress theory, motivation theory and job satisfaction; theory of organizational behavior; theory of social support; theory of labor conflict; theory of organizational culture and climate; the theory of human capital; theory of organizational changes; working conditions; management style and experience of organizational justice; interpersonal relations at work; balance between work and personal life; access to mental health support resources; mental health support programs in organizations; creation of an organizational culture focused on the well-being of employees; training of managers and development of leadership qualities. It was determined that the socio-psychological factors of health at the workplace are: psychophysiological, psychoemotional, social, financial, ergonomic and professional, which affect the preservation or non-preservation of the mental health of employees of commercial organizations, and can also be measured with the help of psychodiagnostics methods and questionnaires, which are further scientific developments.
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