mental health, stress resistance, mental well-being, martial law, personnel management, securityAbstract
Supporting the mental well-being of employees is of particular importance for organisations under martial law. Careful attention to the psychological needs of staff should be the key to the effectiveness of organisations in the face of wartime challenges. Preserving the mental health of employees is an extremely important task under martial law. After all, the wellbeing of staff directly affects the productivity of organisations' employees. The article presents the results of an empirical study of stress resistance of employees of organisations and its individual indicators in the conditions of martial law. It is noted that stress tolerance is an important internal resource of a personality for overcoming stress and crises. The main indicators of mental well-being of employees are allocated. It is found that most respondents demonstrate an average level of stress resistance. It is emphasised that in order to increase the level of stress resistance, it is necessary to develop such qualities as self-awareness, self-efficacy and self-regulation as important components of resilience and ability to overcome difficulties. The results of the empirical study can be used to develop a training programme to support the mental well-being of employees in difficult times in order to increase the stress resistance of the team and its efficiency, which will ensure the adaptation of the organisation to new conditions and an appropriate level of employee well-being. It was noted that in difficult life situations and after overcoming problems, it is extremely important for a person to be able to recover. For this, it is necessary to develop the skills of emotional self-regulation – to independently manage one's own emotions, activate positivity and mobilize willpower. Controlling the emotional state also prevents psychosomatic disorders. Since human actions are closely related to internal motives, self-regulation begins with awareness and correction of one's own attitudes and habits. This makes it possible to adapt and act more constructively in the realities created as a result of the war. The results of the study indicate the need to develop special training programs to increase stress resistance at the individual and organizational levels of employees.
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