marital conflicts, mediation, social work, war, social services, difficult life circumstancesAbstract
The article substantiates the urgency of the problem of marital conflicts in the conditions of a full-scale war and related challenges. The importance of using the mediation service in the practice of social work with families in the context of marital conflicts regulating, prevention and overcoming of difficult life circumstances is indicated. The key legal features of the mediation service, the specifics of its provision by social service specialists in working with families in difficult life circumstances, the stages of marital conflict resolution using the social mediation service are specified. The role of special psychological and linguistic techniques in the effective work of a family mediator is characterized, the importance of his unbiased attitude towards the parties to the conflict are emphasized. The advantages of mediation in comparison with the court procedure are indicated; this is taken into account in social work with the family in foreign countries, in particular in Scandinavia and the USA. Factors that complicate the provision of mediation services in full-scale war conditions are specified (distant nature of relations between spouses, acceleration of divorce decisions by courts in situations of separate residence of spouses, orientation of social service specialists to meet the basic material and social needs of family members who are in difficult life circumstances, underestimation of the importance of prevention, regulation and constructive resolution of family conflicts; increased psycho-emotional load on all participants of the procedure, including specialists, etc.). The steps to promote the further effective implementation of the mediation service in the practice of regulating marital conflicts are indicated.
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