
  • A. S. Vavilova
  • O. Mykhalska



anxiety, media, young people, correction, prevention, self-help, video


The article presents a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the effectiveness of media as a tool for reducing anxiety in youth. Due to the war in Ukraine, there has been an increase in the level of anxiety and the spread of anxiety disorders. There emerges a need to develop and use psychological assistance techniques that will be accessible to different groups of people, especially young people. Therefore, we have developed a programme of self-help techniques aimed at reducing the level of anxiety among young people, which were recorded in the format of short videos (as a media means). We have chosen such psychodiagnostic techniques as Izard's Differential Emotions Scale (DES) and GAD-7 and drew up questionnaires to monitor the level of anxiety of the subjects before and after watching the video content. We have developed a course of six methods (techniques) aimed at reducing anxiety and relieving emotional tension: 1) the grounding technique, 2) the container and resource circle, 3) cognitive reflection, 4) square breathing, 5) progressive muscle relaxation, 6) parallelisation. All of the developed videos featured their own structure and script and contained a short element of psychoeducation. The respondents watched the videos and completed the questionnaires before and after viewing them. Based on the data obtained, the significance of changes in the level of anxiety before and after watching the videos was analysed using Student's t-test. The quantitative analysis showed no statistically significant differences in the reduction of respondents' anxiety after watching a series of videos with self-help techniques. The qualitative analysis of the questionnaire revealed that the majority of the respondents had a positive perception of the self-help techniques to overcome anxiety in the form of videos; most of the respondents indicated that they planned to use the proposed techniques on a regular basis in situations of increased anxiety.


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How to Cite

Вавілова, А. С., & Михальська, О. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE MEDIA AS A TOOL FOR REDUCING YOUNG PEOPLE’S ANXIETY. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 47-52.

