loneliness, youth, personality, personal characteristics, trainingAbstract
The article considers the problem of loneliness, which is relevant and has a global scale, due to its significant prevalence in the modern scientific, technical and informational world. The problem of loneliness is especially acute for young people. Research shows that this problem is especially relevant in adolescence, when a young person identifies himself with life values, interests, views and psychologically distances himself from his parents. Loneliness is a mental state of a person that occurs when isolated from other people and lack of communication. The article highlights negative and positive loneliness among young people. The main aspects of loneliness in young people are: social isolation, emotional loneliness, conflicts in the family, social pressure, personal characteristics, technical loneliness. The personal characteristics of lonely young men are determined. Diagnostic techniques for identifying the existing level of loneliness among young people are presented. A training program for overcoming the negative experience of loneliness among young people is presented, which consists of 4 components: diagnostic, training, corrective and reflective. The main tasks of the program are: successive overcoming of personal properties and characteristics that provoke the emergence of negative loneliness; correction of nervous and mental tension; formation of relaxation skills; formation of training participants' skills of awareness of their own negative experience and learning of means of overcoming its negative consequences through reflection; formation of the skills of harmonious interpersonal interaction with others through an adequate assessment of the situation and the development of a positive self-concept of the personality of the training participants.
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