life experience, living space, designing the living space, restructuring of the living space, hermeneutics, psychoanalysis, psychological interpretation, psychoanalytic interpretation, psychocorrection, internal inconsistency of the psyche, system of psychological defenses, conditional values, self-realization, self-actualizationAbstract
This article brings up the subject of the role of psychological interpretation in designing the living space of an individual. The author places particular emphasis on the studying the impact of psychoanalytic interpretation on the living space restructuring process. Such categories as life experience, living space, designing the living space, psychological interpretation, psychoanalytic interpretation are elaborated. The notion of the boundaries of the living space is covered as a key one in its phenomenology. It is pointed out that the sense bearing field of the life experience of a person enables a researcher to study his/ her living space. The specific nature of hermeneutic and psychoanalyticdirections for analysis of the individual’s life experience in psychology is defined. It is emphasized that specifically the interpretation is the main tool to analyze the life experience in each of them. Scientific approaches to understanding the hermeneutic interpretation and the psychoanalyticinterpretation are summarized. As a result of the comparative analysis, the common characteristics of the interpretation in the format of psychoanalysis and the hermeneutic paradigm are determined, including: procedurality; dialogueness; focus on establishing the sense; integrative function. Their following differences are established: the hermeneutic interpretation construes the texts on a conscious level, while the psychoanalytic interpretation investigates the symbolic content, the unconscious desires of a person, determined by his/ her infantile experience; the hermeneutic interpretation assumes correlation with the time, historical and cultural peculiar features, while the psychoanalytic one avoids it for the purpose of objectivity; the text interpretation assumes addition of the subjective senses of an interpreter, but the psychoanalytic interpretation emphasizes the inadmissibility of addition of the subjective senses by the interpreter. The peculiar features of the psychoanalytic interpretation in the in-depth correctional practice are outlined. It is showed that the interpretation is a basis for restructuring the living space of an individual with gradual expansion of its boundaries.
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