mental state, adolescence, anxiety, adolescent fears, feelings of guilt, feelings of shame, state of angerAbstract
The article is devoted the research of adolescents’ psycho-emotional states, their influence on cognitive sphere and behavior. Approaches to understanding the essence of mental states, their structure and functions are described. Mental state is defined as a holistic dynamic characteristic of a person's mental activity in a certain period of time; reaction to external and internal influences in order to adapt to changes in the habitat. The essence and influence on cognitive processes, behavior, development of personality qualities of frustration and communicative states are considered: fear, anxiety, anger, guilt, shame. Among the causes of fears at this age, the most common are real (fear of water, heights, animals), imaginary fears (fear of the dark, condemnation), and prestige fears (fear of embarrassment, getting a bad grade). Anxiety arises in schoolchildren of this age as an expectation of trouble, failure in a significant activity. Fear and intense anxiety can inhibit the adolescents’ cognitive activity, cause neurotic and psychosomatic disorders. Feelings of guilt and shame cause a teenager's negative attitude towards himself, a tendency to self-deprecation, self-blame. Frustration states arise in conditions of obstacles that make it impossible to satisfy needs and achieve significant goals. Such obstacles can be both external factors – time, space, social restrictions, and internal conflicts – inconsistency of opportunities and the harassment’ level, feelings of inferiority, conflicting aspirations. The state of anger is accompanied by aggressive behavior and is caused by criticism, humiliating reproaches, accusations from others. The long-term influence of negative conditions is accompanied by the teenager's experience of negative states, which can lead to the formation of stable personality traits in him: anxiety, shyness, aggressiveness, self-doubt.
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