trust, mistrust, military serviceman, managerial competence, commander-leader, psychological healthAbstract
The article examines the topic of the nature of trust in the military environment, with a special emphasis on the experience of NATO countries. Special attention is paid to the study of the mechanisms of creating trust among military personnel and between different categories of command. Psychological and social factors affecting the level of trust in intra-military relations are analyzed. Against the background of the experience of NATO countries, the role of ethical standards, leadership and interaction between military personnel is highlighted as key components of building trust in the military team. The component structure of the assessment of the moral and psychological state of the personnel, which includes the trust indicator, provides an analysis of the leadership qualities of the commander in the context of the group dynamics of the military team. The authors of the article put forward theses on how successful strategies for building trust in NATO countries can be adapted and implemented in the military life of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In today's conditions, trust acquires an urgent importance in the course of repelling and deterring armed aggression by the Russian Federation. The gained combat experience convincingly demonstrates that the successful performance of combat tasks on the battlefield by units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is primarily determined by the moral and psychological state of the personnel. According to the results of research and the practice of using troops (forces), it was found that one of the key factors affecting the morale and psychological state of military personnel in combat conditions is the level of trust of subordinates in commanders-leaders. Therefore, this psychological, emotional and social state, which arises as a result of conviction or belief in the reliability and good intentions of a serviceman or comrades-in-arms, embodies victory and faith in the future. The authors proposed a psychodiagnostic method of studying the level of trust to the commander or chief, which helps to quickly interview a large number of respondents in a short time.
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