
  • T. V. Cherednychenko



frustration, frustrator, frustration tolerance, psychological readiness for professional activity, extreme conditions


The article is dedicated to the issue of frustration tolerance in the professional activity of the State Emergency Service rescuers in Ukraine. The article reveals the psychological essence of the concepts of frustration and frustration tolerance and identifies theoretical and methodological approaches to defining the studied mental phenomenon. It is noted that a person's ability to withstand frustrating situations without destructive consequences, adequately assess them, manage the emergence and dynamics of the mental state of frustration, and demonstrate constructive behavior in overcoming obstacles depends on the level of development of their frustration tolerance, which is an individual-psychological quality that determines resistance to frustration. It was found that one of the most important characteristics of the psychological readiness of rescuers for professional activity is the ability to manage mental states arising as a result of the influence of extreme conditions, including frustration. The main approaches to interpreting frustration tolerance were analyzed, and the main levels of frustration tolerance defining the reaction and behavioral features to the action of different types of frustrators were identified. The most typical ways of behaving in a state of frustration were singled out. It is noted that the presence of numerous stress factors in professional activity creates significant difficulties for rescuers, worsens their physical condition, and causes a range of negative mental states, including frustration. The intensity of the negative impact of stress factors is significantly reduced if rescuers are timely prepared for extreme conditions not only professionally but also psychologically. It is proven that a rescuer's ability to endure situations of frustration without destructive consequences depends on the level of development of their tolerance to frustration, which is mandatory for the normal functioning of the personality, especially in cases where the emergence of frustrating situations is associated with barriers that are necessary or objectively insurmountable. Indicators of psychological readiness/unreadiness of rescuers for professional activity in extreme conditions were considered.


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How to Cite

Чередниченко, Т. В. (2024). FRUSTRATION TOLERANCE AS A COMPONENT OF THE PSYCHOLOGICAL READINESS OF RESCUERS FOR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 127-130.

