
  • V. V. Voloshyna



psychological rehabilitation of servicemen, recovery, temporality, constructivist feature, integration, psychological state.


The article systematizes the features of the essence of the concept of psychological rehabilitation of military personnel and defines a unified approach to its interpretation. It is shown that considering the fact that the issue of psychological rehabilitation is gaining significant practical and methodological distribution in the provisions of scientific investigations and methodological approaches, the categorization of the essence of the definition of this process deserves attention. A review and generalization of scientific approaches was carried out to distinguish the composition of the main essential features regarding the characteristics of the concept of psychological rehabilitation of military personnel, among which the following were distinguished, in particular: a feature of the complexity (system) of interventions, a stabilization feature, a feature of individualization of this process, a feature of resistance to negative influences, an integration feature, a constructivist feature , an environmental feature, a supporting feature. A unified interpretation of the essence of the researched concept has been formulated, namely, psychological rehabilitation of servicemen is a complex of previously developed and adjusted during the implementation of a list of measures related to the development of mental health functions, accompanying social and physical components, aimed at the reintegration of servicemen who have psychological disorders into society, professional, personal life, promotion of his personal development in the surrounding environment, which can change positively within the framework of this process and prevention of destructive behavioral manifestations. In the plane of the author's definition, we made a priority emphasis on the development of psychological rehabilitation from the standpoint of the constructivist feature, and also took into account the general orientation on the feature of the complexity (system) of interventions, environmental, resistance and integration features. It is noted that this interpretation is formulated taking into account the temporal nature of this process, namely, it is indicated that the psychological rehabilitation of military personnel is a complex of previously developed and adjusted during the implementation of the list of measures, i.e., it is provided that it can transform over time depending on the course of implementation. The scientific novelty of the mentioned interpretation involves the development of theoretical features regarding the characterization of the concept of psychological rehabilitation, taking into account the main approaches and with an additional emphasis on the sign of its temporality as a prerequisite for ensuring the effectiveness of the intervention.


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How to Cite

Волошина, В. В. (2024). THE ESSENCE OF THE CONCEPT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL REHABILITATION OF MILITARY SERVANTS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 7-11.