procrastination, mental trauma, personality, reduced adaptation, post-traumatic stress disorder.Abstract
The article examines scientific approaches to the phenomenon of procrastination and mental trauma of the individual, and also presents an empirical study on these issues. The definition of the phenomenon is given: "procrastination is always an irrational postponement of important decisions with an accompanying feeling of emotional discomfort." Significant signs of procrastination are singled out: problems with the sense of time; lack of understanding regarding own plans or values; feeling of frustration, depression; the presence of fears of failure, success or loss of control; low selfesteem and lack of self-confidence; connection with mental trauma in childhood; weakening of the ability to make volitional decisions; traumatic life experience; distress; ineffective coping strategies; violation of self-regulation and social adaptation; insufficient communication skills; false basic beliefs and a high level of tension; helplessness; negative consequences in the form of emotional suffering from unfulfilled obligations, damaged relationships, material losses, etc. It is noted that in the manifestations of procrastination and PTSD, according to the results of a theoretical study, the individual's ability to make important decisions and perform activities is significantly reduced, there is an increased level of anxiety and a reduced level of communication, there is a decrease in adaptation and adaptive resources of the individual. An empirical study was conducted and significant relationships were established between the indicators of the scales of the Mississippi PTSD rating scale and the general level of personality procrastination.Indicators of the indicated scales have a significant positive relationship at the level of 0.01%. Conclusions were made: with manifestations of procrastination and PTSD, the individual's ability to make important decisions and perform activities significantly decreases, an increased level of anxiety and a reduced level of communication are observed. Manifestations of PTSD, which arise as a result of a single or repeated psychotraumatic event, that is, mental trauma of an individual, lead to an increase in the frequency of postponement or refusal to make important decisions and perform tasks. Manifestations of procrastination increase the risk of PTSD.
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