domestic violence, physical violence, psychological violence, perpetrator, victim.Abstract
The article examines the issue of domestic violence in the context of women's experiences and reflections on their experiences in violent relationships. Being in a situation of domestic violence can be harmful to physical and mental health. However, it is important not only to record the consequences, but also to focus on the period of leaving violent relationships, to look for support opportunities and ways to recover. The empirical study was conducted by interviewing female victims (80 people). The respondents reflected on the reasons that were decisive in their choice to stay in a situation of domestic violence and continue their relationship with the abuser. In particular, they mentioned: psycho-emotional dependence (often associated with fear of loneliness); financial dependence; low self-esteem, uncertainty and indecision; feelings of guilt and obligation, pity for the abuser; expectations of changes in partner behavior, as well as lack of awareness of the fact of domestic violence. A significant number of women who suffered physical violence reported no contact with their abuser after the divorce, while this figure was lower among victims of psychological violence. Some victims avoid direct contact with the abuser, but seek and receive information about the abuser through third parties or social media. The majority of respondents categorically reject the possibility of restoring relations with the perpetrator. A small number of women indicated the possibility of returning to the relationship if they notice positive changes in the abuser's behavior or if they feel pressure or fear of the abuser's persistence. All respondents indicated that they received the most support during the period of leaving a violent relationship from family and friends, and one third of respondents indicated that they sought and received professional psychological help. Familiarization with information about the specifics of domestic violence proved to be an important resource for recovery from violent relationships, which emphasizes the importance of informing and educating victims in the recovery process.
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