
  • O. V. Moskalenko



psychological resiliens, psychological health, hardiness, recovery, flexibility, stress resistance, coping.


The article describes psychological resilience as an important condition for preserving and maintaining the psychological health of an personality. Psychological health is a complex, multidimensional, dynamic construct that is determined by the presence of certain personal characteristics that are manifested through stress resistance, social adaptation of the individual, and the desire for development. A psychologically healthy person has hardiness – the ability to take an active part in one's own life, developed control and readiness to take risks. The components of hardiness are combined into two blocks of abilities. General abilities characterize basic personal attitudes, intelligence, self-awareness, meaning and responsibility. Special abilities characterize the skills of interaction with people and the ability to overcome various types of difficult situations. Hardiness shows the adaptive capabilities of the individual. Hardiness is similar to the concept of resilience, although these concepts are not identical. Resilience of the individual is considered as a set of certain qualities that contribute to recovery, and as a recovery process itself, as a mechanism of adaptation. Factors of resilience are: effective support in childhood, benevolent relationships with adults in childhood, the ability to establish effective interaction with loved ones, friends, conflict resolution skills, intellectual development, optimism, emotional intelligence, self-control and self-regulation, prognostic abilities, motivation for success, effective models of behavior in difficult situations, adequate assessment of oneself and one's own capabilities and skills. The resilience of the individual is expressed through the integration of features of the cognitive, affective and behavioral spheres, characterized by certain knowledge and ways of thinking, a wide range of emotional responses, the availability of resources and options for coping.


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How to Cite

Москаленко, О. В. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL RESILIENCE AS A CONDITION FOR SUPPORTING PERSONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 67-70.

