
  • A. O. Pashchenko



personal predictors, delinquent behavior, servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine, character traits, maladaptive traits


The urgency of the urgency of the research problem, which is to determine the main psychological predictors of alcohol incidents of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine. Based on the study of 100 servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine, individual psychological characteristics of the personality of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine who committed alcohol incidents at work were determined. The peculiarities of the character traits of such conscripts and contract servicemen are revealed, in particular the predominance of hyperthymic, demonstrative and stuck and the lowest indicators of anxious-timid and unbalanced types of accentuations. Summing up the study of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine, we note that the characteristic features that potentially distinguish those who drink alcohol at work are the use of alcohol intoxication to meet the deficit of communication and empathy, creating conditions of warmth, joy and opportunity to get deep, sincere sense. The peculiarities of maladaptive personality traits of conscripts, in particular, low rates of affectivity, maximalism and partial prospects and contract servicemen – high rates of demonstrativeness, affectivity, uniqueness, insolvency, social pessimism, time perspective and anti-suicide factor. Summing up, we note that the features of the emotional and volitional sphere, which affect the formation of suicidal attitudes in groups of servicemen under contract, on almost all scales of the method O.G. Shmelyova, in addition to the scales Breaking Cultural Barriers and Maximalism. Thus, it is possible to assume that increased rates of subscale diagnostic concepts affect the propensity to drink alcohol.


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How to Cite

Пащенко, А. О. (2022). INDIVIDUAL PREDICTORS OF ALCOHOL INCIDENTS OF MILITARY PERSONNEL OF THE NATIONAL GUARD OF UKRAINE. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 64-70.