
  • V. I. Krotenko
  • H. V. Afuzova
  • I. V. Martynenko



parents, children, social and emotional development, supportive interaction, psycho-emotional well-being, resilience, managed stress.


During the modern world permacrisis, which causes a total experience of ambiguity and uncertainty in the future, one of the most vulnerable categories of the population is children. Because of their immaturity, they do not have a sufficient arsenal of coping strategies that would allow them to respond constructively to the negative impact of a subjectively complex life situation. In Ukraine, the problem of overcoming the psycho-traumatic impact of the aggravation of military aggression by the Russian Federation stimulates the search for effective ways to increase resiliency in children in order to promote the preservation and restoration of their mental health and to lay the foundation for its post-traumatic growth in the nearest future. In this case, an important role belongs to the so-called "safe" adults from the nearest microsocial environment of the child are the child's parents. As a result of a survey conducted as part of the project "Providing digital tools to overcome the learning gaps, socio-emotional development, and mental health assessment for the most vulnerable 35 thousand children in rural areas" it was determined that almost half of the surveyed parents of primary school age students from the front-line territories tend to deny the presence of any manifestations of psycho-emotional distress in their children and are not ready for personal participation in supporting and restoring their psycho-emotional well-being. However, the vast majority of parents of students in grades 1–4 (61,70%) recognize the relevance of systematic work to support the psycho-emotional well-being of children. Everything mentioned above prompted us to determine the role of supportive interaction "parent-child" in the socio-emotional development of the child and the development of its resilience. At the same time, the focus of attention is shifted to the competence of parents in creating a physically and psychologically safe living space for the child.


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How to Cite

Кротенко, В. І., Афузова, Г. В., & Мартиненко, І. В. (2024). SUPPORTIVE INTERACTION WITH PARENTS AS A CONDITION FOR THE SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 91-95.